List of commands:


Join/leave channel commands only work in "botbear1110" and "hotbear1110" chats.

The broadcaster and mods can disable any non core command if they want. Check the disable/enable commands.

The broadcaster and mods can also disable the title, game, live or cookie notifications. Check the disable/enable commands.

The myping command only pings you in chat, when the streamer is playing a game in your custom ping list.

If you have pajbot in your chat, please provide the url for the bot, so I can check for banphrases. Please provide both for pajbot1 and pajbot2 (if pajbot2 is enabled)
Pajbot1 example: "bb channel pb1"
Pajbot2 example: "bb channel pb2"
(Note: These command should be used in your chat and don't end the url with a "/")
You can reset the api by typing "bb channel pb1 reset" or "bb channel pb2 reset" in your own channel.

Notify commands: Category: Permission: Cooldown: Description:
bb cdr Notify command 100 3s This command will register/unregiter you for notifications for "ThePositiveBot´s" cookie cdr, this send you whispers as default. Available commands: "bb cdr [register/unregister]", "bb cdr status"(will tell you the time remaining until you can get your next cdr), "bb cdr whisper"(Toggles between whisper on and whisper off)
bb cookie Notify command 100 3s This command will register/unregiter you for notifications for "ThePositiveBot´s" cookies. Available commands: "bb cookie [register/unregister]", "bb cookie status"(will tell you the time remaining until you can eat your next cookie), "bb cookie mode default/mychat/botchat"
bb mute Notify command 100 3s Mutes bot notifications for x minutes. Default is 5 min
bb myping Notify command 100 3s This command will register you for game notifications for certain games. Available myping commands: "bb myping [add/remove]"(will add/remove a game from your ping list), "bb myping list"(will give you a list of the games you will get notified by)
bb notify Notify command 100 3s This command will register you for chat notifications. Available notify commands: "bb notify [live/offline/title/game/all]" (you will get notified when the streamer goes live/goes offline/changes title/switches category/all of the previous)
bb remove Notify command 100 3s This command will unregister you from chat notifications or delete a pending suggestion "bb remove suggestion [ID]". Available notify commands: "bb remove [live/offline/title/game/all]"(you will now not get notified when the streamer goes live/goes offline/changes title/switches category/all of the previous)
bb unmute Notify command 100 3s Unmutes bot notifications
channelSpecific commands: Category: Permission: Cooldown: Description:
bb apollo channelSpecific command 100 3s The bot responds with a random picture of apollo
bb pet channelSpecific command 100 1800s Shows an image of a pet from a random chatter | Images:
Dev commands: Category: Permission: Cooldown: Description:
bb add Dev command 2000 3s Can add "features" to the bot. This to add: "bb add alias [command] [alias(es)]"
bb announce Dev command 1500 3s spam announces something
bb ban Dev command 2000 3s bans a user for every line in the given file
bb delay Dev command 2000 3s This command will add the bot´s internal delay, to the end of the response. Example: "bb delay randomline NymN"
bb deletesubs Dev command 2000 3s This command is for deleting all eventsubs
bb deveval Dev command 2000 3s This command will let you execute js code in the bot and make it return the result. Example: "bb deveval "lole ".repeat(10);
bb filesay Dev command 2000 3s writes a message in chat for every line in the given file
bb permission Dev command 2000 3s This command will change a given users permission. This will allow/disallow the user to do certain commands. Example: "bb permission NymN 2000"(will change Nymn´s permission to 2000)
bb pyramid Dev command 2000 3s spam pyramids
bb reconnect Dev command 100 3s Reconnects the bot to a given channel.
bb restart Dev command 2000 3s restarts botbear
bb spam Dev command 2000 3s spam something
bb suball Dev command 2000 3s This command is for subbing to channel.update, and stream.offline for all streamers in db
bb test Dev command 2000 3s
bb test2 Dev command 2000 3s test
bb update Dev command 2000 3s updates botbear, git pull
bb whisper Dev command 2000 3s This command makes the bot whisper a user
Core commands: Category: Permission: Cooldown: Description:
bb bot Core command 100 3s This command will give a short explanation of the bot
bb channel Core command 100 3s "bb channel join/leave" the bot joins or leaves your channel(only works in hotbear1110/botbear1110 chats). "bb channel [live/offline/title/game]emote *emote*" this changes the notify emotes. "bb channel trivia *seconds*" this changes the trivia cooldown(Default is 300s, if cd is too low, it can bug out)
bb commands Core command 100 3s This command will give you a link to the bot´s commands. You can add "local" to the end of the command, to see the commands enabled in the chat.
bb disable Core command 100 3s This command will let you disable different commands in your own chat or a chat you are mod in
bb enable Core command 100 3s This command will let you enable different commands in your own chat or a chat you are mod in
bb enablenewcommands Core command 100 3s Decide if you want new commands to be enabled or disabled as default
bb github Core command 100 3s This command will give you a link to my github
bb help Core command 100 3s This command will give you information about any onther command. Example: "bb help followage"
bb offlineonly Core command 100 3s This command will let you change the bot to/from offline only mode (toggle), live/game/title notify will still work! (This is a mod command)
bb optout Core command 100 3s This command will let you opt-out of other commands
bb ping Core command 100 3s This command will make the bot respond with "pong!" and the tmi delay aswell as the internal delay, if the bot is online.
bb suggest Core command 100 3s This command will add a suggestion to my database, so I can read them and maybe add them. Example: "bb suggest Please add this command :) "
bb unoptout Core command 100 3s This command will let you unopt-out of other commands
Info commands: Category: Permission: Cooldown: Description:
bb accage Info command 100 3s This command will tell you the specified users account age. Example: "bb accage NymN"
bb botstats Info command 100 3s This command will give you some info about the bot
bb botsubs Info command 100 3s This command will return random sub-emotes from channels the bot is subbed to
bb channels Info command 100 3s Posts a list of all the channels the bot is active in
bb chatters Info command 100 3s This command will give you the number of users, that are currently in the chat
bb check Info command 100 3s This command will check info about other users.
bb code Info command 100 3s Gives the user a link to the source code of a given command
bb color Info command 100 3s This command will give you the color name and hex of a given users username color. Example: "bb color NymN"
bb downdetector Info command 100 3s checks if a website is down
bb emotecheck Info command 100 3s This command will give you information about Twitch and 3rd party emotes. Example: "bb emotecheck TriHard"
bb emotecount Info command 100 3s This command will give you the number of 3rd party emotes, that are currently activated in the chat.
bb emotes Info command 100 3s This command will give you a list of the last 6 added 3rd part emotes.
bb fl Info command 100 3s This command will give you the first logged line from a specific user in the chat (Only works if logs are available in the channel, logs used: ""). Example: "bb fl NymN"
bb followage Info command 100 3s This command will give you the time a given user has followed a given channel. Example: "bb followage HotBear1110 NymN"
bb followcount Info command 100 3s This command will give you the amount of followers a specified channel has. Example: "bb followcount NymN"
bb follows Info command 100 3s This command will show you how many people you follow
bb founders Info command 100 3s Gives you a list of founders from a given channel. * means that the user is currently subbed
bb gametime Info command 100 3s This command gives you the amount a time the streamer has been in the current category
bb grab Info command 100 3s This command lets you grab other peoples spotify song and listen to the same one
bb latestmod Info command 100 3s This command will give you the name if the newest mod in a given channel
bb latestvip Info command 100 3s This command will give you the name if the newest vip in a given channel
bb lm Info command 100 3s This command will give you the last logged line from a specific user in the chat (Only works if logs are available in the channel, logs used: ""). Example: "bb fl NymN"
bb modcheck Info command 100 3s This command will tell you if a given user is a mod in a given channel. And for how long. Example: "bb modcheck Fawcan NymN"(this will check Fawcan´s mod status in Nymn´s channel)
bb modcount Info command 100 3s This command will give you the number of channels a given user is a mod in. Example: "bb modcount NymN"
bb oldestmod Info command 100 3s This command will give you the name if the oldest mod in a given channel
bb oldestvip Info command 100 3s This command will give you the name if the oldest vip in a given channel
bb removed Info command 100 3s This command will give you a list of the last 6 removed 3rd part emotes.
bb rl Info command 100 3s This command will give you a random logged line from either a random user in the chat (Only works if logs are available in the channel, logs used: ""). Example: "bb rl NymN"
bb rq Info command 100 3s This command will give you a random logged line from either yourself or a specified user in the chat (Only works if logs are available in the channel, logs used: ""). Example: "bb rl NymN"
bb spotify Info command 100 3s Shows current spotify player status
bb subage Info command 100 3s This command will give you the time a given user has subbed to a given channel, along with a bunch of info about the sub. Example: "bb subage HotBear1110 NymN"
bb suggestions Info command 100 3s This command will give you a link to a list of all the suggestions for the bot and their current status.
bb tags Info command 100 3s This command will give you a list of tags in a given channel
bb title Info command 100 3s This command will give you the title of a given streamer
bb totalvods Info command 100 3s This command will give the total amount of available vods. I can only get the last 100 vods
bb uid Info command 100 3s This command will give you the user-id of a specified user. Example: "bb uid NymN"
bb uptime Info command 100 3s This command will tell you how long the bot has been live for
bb vipcheck Info command 100 3s This command will tell you if a given user is a vip in a given channel. And for how long. Example: "bb vipcheck HotBear1110 NymN"(this will check HotBear1110´s vip status in Nymn´s channel)
bb vipcount Info command 100 3s This command will give you the number of channels a given user is a vip in. Example: "bb vipcount NymN"
bb vodsearch Info command 100 3s This command will give you a list of vods that correlates to the given date and time input. Input should be: "bb vodsearch yyyy-mm-dd time=*time in CET*"(The time is not needed if you just wish to find the vod with no timestamp). Example: "bb vodsearch nymn 2021-09-30 time=16:00" or "bb vodsearch nymn 2021-09-30"
bb currentgametime Info command 100 3s Gets the total time the streamer has been in the current category, ever
Random commands: Category: Permission: Cooldown: Description:
bb apexmap Random command 100 3s This command will give you the current map in apex pubs
bb ask Random command 100 60s Ask botbear any question and it will tell you the answer! - The cooldown on this is 2 min.
bb bible Random command 100 3s This command will give a random bible quote
bb cat Random command 100 3s This command will give you a link to a picture of a random cat
bb coinflip Random command 100 3s This command will do a 50/50 coinflip
bb cum Random command 100 3s This command will make the bot cum in different ways. Example: "bb cum on NymN"
bb dalle Random command 100 3600s Make any image you can think of using the power of dalle2 ai! - The cooldown on this is 1 hour.
bb dog Random command 100 3s This command will give you a link to a picture of a random dog
bb duck Random command 100 3s This command will give you a link to a picture of a random duck
bb eval Random command 100 3s This command will let you execute js code in the bot and make it return the result. (The message gets checked for massping, banphrases etc.). Example: "bb eval "lole ".repeat(10);"
bb flower Random command 100 3s This command will let a user give flower to someone.
bb giveflower Random command 100 3s Give a chatter a flower nymnHappy
bb hint Random command 100 3s This command will give you a hint for the trivia. (If there is an active trivia)
bb hug Random command 100 3s This command will hug a given user. Example: "bb hug NymN"
bb markov Random command 100 120s Markov
bb nasa Random command 100 3s This command will give random image from NASA
bb piss Random command 100 3s This command will make the bot piss in different ways. Example: "bb piss on NymN"
bb quran Random command 100 3s This command will give a random quran quote
bb randomdalle Random command 100 3s Gives you an random dalle image, another user has generated
bb randomemote Random command 100 3s This command will respond with a random emote
bb reddit Random command 100 3s This command will list the top 3 posts on the NymN subreddit.
bb say Random command 100 3s This command will let you make the bot say anything in chat. (The message gets checked for massping, banphrases etc.). Example: "bb say NymN is soy lole"
bb shiba Random command 100 3s This command will give you a link to a picture of a random shiba inu
bb shit Random command 100 3s This command will make the bot shit in different ways. Example: "bb shit on NymN"
bb temperature Random command 100 3s This command will convert temperatures
bb thumbnail Random command 100 3s Will return the latest thumbnail image of a given streamer
bb trivia Random command 100 3s This command will start a new trivia in chat (To see the cooldown on this command, do: "bb check triviacooldown"). Specific category: "bb trivia sports". Categories: [ ]
bb trivia2 Random command 100 3s This command will start a new trivia in chat, Example: ' bb trivia2 forsen ' (To see the cooldown on this command, do: "bb check triviacooldown") - Api used: - Categories available:
bb vodtime Random command 100 3s This command will give you a vod timestamp that correlates to the given time in the input. Input should be: "bb vodtime *vodlink* *time in CET*". Example: bb vodtime 15:00
bb wifecheck Random command 100 3s This command will make the bot respond with "doctorWTF"
bb rabbit Random command 100 3s This command will give you a link to a picture of a random rabbit
bb profilepic Random command 100 3s Get the profile pic of a twitch user
bb randomask Random command 100 3s Gives you an random ask response